Over 20 Years in the World of Fashion and Beauty

Веќе 20 години во светот на модата и убавината

About us

Passionate About Nature and the Beauty of Life

We began as a lifestyle magazine focused on fashion and hair styling—Styling Magazine. Our love for this magazine has fostered many friendships with leading figures in the global fashion industry, particularly in hair care and styling. Naturally, this inspired us to bring high-quality hair care products to our region, making them accessible to both professionals and anyone who wants to dedicate attention and genuine care to their hair.

After several years of distribution through beauty salons and later through online sales, the idea emerged to connect our product sales with another passion of ours: direct marketing.

Our Philosophy

Over the years of engaging in direct marketing, we have met wonderful people and discovered new opportunities for earning and socializing. It didn’t take long for us to decide—this is the perfect combination: high-quality professional hair care products based on argan oil paired with multi-level marketing. We can sell exceptional products and earn, not just for ourselves but also for our friends and everyone who finds a part of themselves in this story.

Recognizing the power of social media and the effectiveness of affiliate marketing, we decided to offer that avenue for earning as well. We merged these two marketing models into one—ARGAN369! Explore our website to learn more about Argan369, our products, and the earning opportunities we provide!

We look forward to welcoming you to join us as we walk the path to success together!

We start in Macedonia, expand across the Balkans, and venture into the world! Together with you! Because the journey is easier and more beautiful when we travel together!




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Линк за зачленување или QR код e линк преку кој можете да станете член на Мрежата Арган 369.

Спонзор е веќе постоечки член од кој добивате линк код за зачленување за да започнете свој личен бизнос во мрежата на Арган 369.

Член на Мрежата Арган 369 може, а и не мора да гради сопствена мрежа.

За успешно водење на сопствен бизнис во Мрежата на Арган 369, потребно е да имате основни познавања на интернет, и успешно да управувате со социјалните мрежи.

За овој вид на работа доволно е времето кое и до сега сте го поминувале на социјалните мрежи.

Титули се достигнување на членовите кои се пропишани со планот на успех на Арган 369.

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